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Oui Oui! Resources for French learning!

Learning French is tough, but with the right resources it can be highly entertaining!

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An impressionist portrait of Jean Samary by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

France is a historic country and should you ever visit it, you must speak French. It is no secret, that the French think of themselves highly. So, do yourself a favor and learn French via these resources.


  • Wordle is a popular word game that serves as an excellent mental exercise. It is engaging and helps in enhancing your vocabulary daily.
  • Grake, a game that teaches you grammar by playing the popular game snake.

Vocabulary Tools

For dictionaries, I highly recommend the Collins Dictionary.

Improve your vocabulary with TermTyper. It features a very user-friendly interface and helps you learn new words and their definitions interactively.

Audiovisual Content


  1. Intouchables (The Intouchables) - A heartwarming film that offers a deep dive into complex storytelling and rich dialogues.
  2. Amélie (Amélie) - A charming film with poetic dialogues, perfect for intermediate learners.
  3. La Haine (Hate) - A film that will have you on the edge of your seat, with slang-filled dialogues, a challenging but rewarding watch for advanced learners.