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Llanai Taught Me the 4th Longest English Word!

Discover how Llanai, the language learning app, surprised me by teaching the fourth longest word in the English language.

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An image of people wearing masks to protect themselves from dust.

I was curious of the longest English word. So, I asked Llanai. The word is:


Yes, that's a real word! This 45-letter monster is actually the fourth-longest word in the English language. It's a medical term referring to a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine silica dust, typically found in volcanoes. Who knew my Spanish lessons would lead me to obscure English medical terminology?

While I am not sure when I will ever use this word (hopefully never, given its meaning), it is certainly a fun fact to whip out at parties. Thanks, Llanai, for keeping my language learning journey full of surprises!

P.S. If you are curious about other ridiculously long words in English, check out this Wikipedia page.